Report Parameters

Report parameters is a dialogue window aimed at defining and editing properties of DEXiWin reports. It generally consists of four pages (tabs), called:

The Attributes and Alternatives pages are not shown when associated with report elements whose contents does not depend on the selection of attributes and alternatives, respectively.

Parameters Page

This is normally the first page shown in Report parameters. This page contains settings associated with a particular report element and is thus different for each element type. Please see report elements for examples of Parameters settings.

Attributes Page

The Attributes Page of Report Parameters is aimed at the selection of attributes to be considered in the report element. By default, all attributes are included. After unselecting “Select all attributes”, it is possible to select individual attributes, as shown below. There are also two buttons that select and unselect all attributes.

Report parameters: Attribute Selection

Alternatives Page

The Alternatives Page of Report Parameters is aimed at the selection of alternatives to be considered in the report element. By default, all alternatives are included. After unselecting “Select all alternatives”, it is possible to select individual alternatives from the list, as shown below. There are also two buttons that select and unselect all alternatives.

Report parameters: Alternatives Selection

Format Page

Format Page is shown for all report elements and allows to define:

  • Report title to be displayed in various report lists.

  • The number of Decimal places to be used for displaying:

    • General floating-point numbers other than the ones listed below and other than values of continuous attributes, for which the number of decimals is defined together with corresponding continuous scales.

    • Weights, displayed in reports such as Weight Tree and Functions.

    • Function definition for numbers displayed in status bars and function summary reports, such as Rules: 12/12 (100,00%), determined: 100,00% [unacc:6,acc:1,good:2,exc:3].

    • Distributions for membership numbers displayed in value distributions, such as medium/0.60;high/0.40.

In all cases, valid range for the number of decimal places is from -1 to 10. The values from 0 to 10 define a fixed number of decimals for any number, while -1 depends on the particular number to be displayed and denotes any number of decimals suitable to fully represent that value.

Report parameters: Format