Alternatives Page

The Alternatives Page of DEXiWin’s Model Window provides workspace and commands for editing DEX alternatives. This includes the editing of:

  • names and descriptions of alternatives,

  • values assigned to input (basic) attributes of each alternative.

DEXiWin: Alternatives Page


The Alternatives Page workspace consists of a table for editing alternatives’ data. Each column represents an alternative. The first row displays alternatives’ names and each of the remaining rows displays values assigned to one basic attribute.

Two additional columns might be displayed in the table, depending on View Menu settings: basic attributes’ descriptions and scales, respectively.

You can select some cell in the table by clicking on it or by moving there using keyboard arrow keys. Home and End keys move the selection to the first and last row, respectively.

To enter a cell value that corresponds to a qualitative attribute, you can:

  • press F2 or double click the cell; this shows a drop-down list that allows selecting a single value;

  • right-click the cell and select an item from the pop-up menu; or

  • press one of the keys 1, 2, …, on the keyboard, which represent consecutive scale values, or the key *, which denotes an undefined value.

Only single values can be entered in these ways. Other value types, particularly sets and value distributions, can be entered using the Value Editor.

Cell values that correspond to continuous attributes can only be edited in-place in the table after pressing F2 or double-clicking the cell.


Alternatives Page commands can be invoked by:

  • Pressing a button shown on the toolbar

  • Invoking some editing command

  • Selecting an item from the pop-up menu that appears after right-clicking the mouse

  • Selecting an item from the menus:

Alternatives Editing Commands

AltDescr Edit alternative name and description: Opens a separate window for editing the name and description of the currently selected alternative (table column).

SingleValue Edit selected value: Shows a drop-down list for entering a single value in the selected cell.

EditValue Open value editor: Invokes Value Editor for entering any DEX-value type in the selected cell.

AddAltLeft Add alternative to the left: Inserts a new column to the left of the currently selected column. The new alternative is named “New” and all its value cells are set to <undefined>.

AddAltRight Add alternative to the right: Inserts a new column to the right of the currently selected column. The new alternative is named “New” and all its value cells are set to <undefined>.

DeleteAlt Delete selected alternative: Deletes the alternative displayed in the currently selected table column.

DuplicateAlt Duplicate selected alternative: Duplicates the currently selected alternative and places it to the right of the original column. An asterisk ‘*’ is added to the copied alternative name.

MoveLeft Move left: Moves the currently selected column one position to the left.

MoveRight Move right: Moves the currently selected column one position to the right.

MoveDown Move down: Moves the currently selected attribute one place down.

MoveUp Move up: Moves the currently selected attribute one place up.

ResetVert Reset vertical attribute order: Reset the order of attributes to the one defined by the model structure.

Copy Copy alternatives: Copies contents of the whole table to the clipboard for further use. The copied data format is the same as used in an alternatives file.

Paste Paste alternatives: Inserts previously Copied data into the table. Existing alternatives that have the same names as pasted alternatives are overwritten by imported data. Otherwise, pasted alternatives are inserted in the model.

Undo Undo: Undo the last alternative-editing operation.

Redo Redo: Redo the last undone alternative-editing operation.

View Menu

F8 Resize columns: Adapt table columns to the actual width of displayed text.

Description: Display or hide the Description column in the alternatives’ table.

Scale: Display or hide the Scale column in the alternatives’ table.

Alternatives…: Opens a sub-menu that allows displaying or hiding individual alternatives.


Duplicating columns is very useful for “what-if” analysis: duplicate an alternative, then leave the original intact and modify only its copy. In this way, you can easily compare the effects of changes on the Evaluation Page.