Charts Page

DEXiWin’s Chart Page is used to compose and display charts that show evaluation results, one chart at a time. Chart graphics can be copied to the main report.

DEXiWin: Charts Page


The workspace consists of a chart display on the left and control area on the right. The latter consists of three tabs:

  • Attributes: For selecting attributes to be displayed.

  • Alternatives: For selecting alternatives to be displayed.

  • Chart: Settings to control chart contents and format.

Attributes Page

The selection of attributes is particularly important, because it largely determines the chart type shown:

  • No selected attributes: No chart is displayed

  • One selected attribute: Bar chart is displayed

  • Two selected attributes: Scatter chart is displayed

  • Three or more selected attributes: One of the following chart variations is displayed:

    • Radar chart: Displaying all alternatives on a single chart

    • Radar grid: Displaying multiple radar charts, one alternative per chart

    • Linear chart: Displaying alternatives’ value profiles

In addition to selecting individual attributes in the tree, there are two buttons:

  • Select …: A drop-down button providing menu items to select: all attributes, basic attributes, root attribute(s) and attributes positioned on the first, second or third level of the tree.

  • Unselect all: Unselect all attributes.

See examples of charts below.

Alternatives Page

Similarly as for attributes, this page allows selecting and deselecting individual alternatives for display. There are two buttons: to Select all or Unselect all alternatives.

Chart Page

This page provides various settings to control chart contents and format of its components.

The topmost control called Chart type for >2 attributes is essential. It provides three chart-type options that apply in the case when more than two attributes are selected: Radar, Radar grid, and Linear. For Radar grid charts, it provides controls to define horizontal and vertical grid dimensions.

DEXiWin: Chart Tab on Charts Page

The remaining controls on the Chart Page can be used to set up:

  • All four Chart borders, in pixels

  • Sizes of gaps between text items [pixels], line widths [pixels], bar widths [%] and points shown in the scatter, radar and linear charts [pixels]

  • Chart Colors and Fonts


To invoke a command, you may either select an item from the main menus, toolbar or right-click and select an item from the pop-up menu.

Save File/Save chart…**: Opens a dialogue to save the current chart on a file, using the metafile (.emf) or bitmap (.png) format.

Edit/Add to Report: Adds the current chart as a graphic to the main report on the Model Window.

CopyMetafile Edit/Copy as metafile…: Copies the current chart to the clipboard in metafile format.

CopyBitmap Edit/Copy as bitmap…: Copies the current chart to the clipboard in bitmap format.

Examples of Chart Types

Bar Chart (one attribute selected)

DEXiWin: Bar Chart

Scatter Chart (two attributes selected)

DEXiWin: Scatter Chart

Radar Chart (three or more attributes selected)

DEXiWin: Radar Chart

Radar Grid Chart (three or more attributes selected)

DEXiWin: Radar Grid Chart

Linear Chart (three or more attributes selected)

DEXiWin: Linear Chart