Preview Window

Preview is a DEXiWin window for displaying a single report element independently of report pages, which are shown as part of the Model Window. Preview displays reports using the document format and can be activated from:

Document Preview Window


Preview provides menu commands and toolbar buttons similar to those of the Report Page while using the document format.

Save File/Save report…: Saves complete contents of the current report on one or more files, offering a choice between four formats: HTML, Text, Bitmaps, and Metafiles. The former two formats save the report on one file, while the latter two formats write series of one or more consecutively numbered graphic files, each holding one report page.

Print File/Print…: Prints the current report.

PageSetup File/Page setup…: Opens a Page Setup dialogue in which you can define paper size used for printing, portrait or landscape orientation, and four page margins: left, right, top, and bottom.

RptManager Edit/Report parameters…: Opens Report Parameters window for defining the properties of the currently shown report element.

Edit/Add report: Add the currently displayed report element to the main report, located on the Report Page.

Copy Edit/Copy report page…: Copies the currently displayed report page to the clipboard, in one of the following ways:

CopyMetafile Copy as metafile: Using the metafile graphic format.

CopyBitmap Copy as bitmap: Using the bitmap graphic format.

Crop as metafile and Crop as bitmap: These commands copy only graphic contents, while removing all bordering white space; this is useful for creating graphics to be inserted in other documents.

Zoom View/Zoom…: Adjusts the zoom level of the document. In addition to some predefined zoom percentages (from 5% to 500%), standard zoom levels can be selected:

  • Zoom100 Actual size

  • FullPage Show full page

  • PageWidth Show full page width

  • TwoPages Show two pages side by side

Browse Open report in browser: Shows the current report in the internal or system browser, depending on settings.

The following toolbar buttons are provided for navigation between report pages:

  • First Go to the first page

  • Prev Go to the previous page

  • Next Go to the next page

  • Last Go to the last page

To go directly to some page, type the page number in the edit box located on the toolbar.