
Version 1.0

Released: 2023-10-03

Initial version.

Version 1.1

Released: 2024-02-29

  • New functionality:

    • Added predefined scales

    • Decision rules: Added representation using decision trees

    • Reports: Added Model Statistics report

    • Comparison of alternatives: Added comparison operators (“Deep Compare”)

    • Tabular function chart: Added Advanced tab for displaying numeric overlays

    • Tabular function display: Elementary rules: Added numeric evaluations of decision rules

  • Bug and stability fixes

Version 1.2

Released: 2024-07-02

  • New functionality:

    • Decision tables: Added symmetricity checking and setting features

    • Decision tables: Added calculation of input attributes’ marginal values

    • Alternatives: Editing the order of input attributes

    • Added Qualitative-Quantitative (QQ) evaluation of alternatives

    • Reports: Cropping report pages and individual elements

    • Tabular Functions: Remembering display settings for the duration of the session

    • Charts: Reordering displayed alternatives and choosing the first alternative displayed on a Radar Grid

  • Bug and stability fixes