File Menu
The DEXi File Menu is available at all times for working with the currently active DEXi model window. Mainly, it provides commands for creating, loading and saving DEXi files, but there are also commands for importing and exporting other data, making reports, changing program settings and exiting DEXi.
New: Create a new DEXi model and open a
corresponding window. Initially, the model is
almost empty, containing only one root attribute
and no options.
Open: Open and load an existing DEXi
file through a standard Open a file dialogue.
Close: Close the currently active DEXi model window. Before closing, DEXi checks whether the model has been saved on a DEXi file, and if not, asks you whether to: save the model (Yes), discard the model (No), or to Cancel closing the window.
Save: Save the currently edited model on a DEXi
file. This is a ‘quick’ save that normally rewrites
the output file without confirmation. However, it does ask you to
provide a file name for a newly created and yet unsaved model.
Save as: Save the currently edited model on a DEXi file. In this case, a Save file dialogue appears before saving and always lets you to define or redefine the name (and possibly format) of the file.
Import…/Import function: Open a function file and load its decision rules into the currently selected utility function. The function is created if necessary. Imported are only those rules whose argument values in the file are matched with the ones in DEXi. Even though DEXi tries to recognize the data format used in the function file, it is strongly recommended that function data is exported and imported using the same Import-Export Settings.
Import…/Import options: Open an option file and load its data into the current model. Existing options that have same names as imported options are overwritten by imported data. Otherwise, imported options are inserted into the model.
Export…/Export tree: Export the current tree of attributes to an external file. Two data formats are supported:
Tab-delimited: textual format with columns containing attribute names, scales and descriptions;
GML (Portable Graph File Format): for creating tree graphs by programs such as yEd Graph Editor.
Export…/Export function: Save the utility function that is currently selected in the current window. Data is written to a function file. Before saving, you are asked to define the name and format of this file.
Export…/Export options: Extract option data from the current model and save it on an option file. Only options that are selected (‘checked’) on the Options sub-page of the Charts Page are actually exported. Before saving, you are asked to specify the name and format of the file.
Model description…: View and edit a description of the current model. The entered text is used only for documentation and can be displayed in a report.
Report: Create and preview a
Settings: View and edit DEXi program settings.
Exit: Close all windows and terminate the execution of DEXi.