DEXi File

Each DEXi model, which is created and/or edited in DEXi, can be stored on a DEXi File. You can load and save files using the File menu commands. DEXi supports four file formats:

.dxi This is the native DEXi file format, which stores a single model, the corresponding option data and program settings.

.dax File format used by the older program DEX.

.xml File format used by yet another old program, jDEX.

.js File format aimed at porting DEXi models to Web browsers using JavaScript.


Normally, you should only use the default .dxi file format. The formats .dax and .xml are obsolete and do not support all DEXi’s features. They are implemented only for compatibility with DEX and jDEX. The format .js stores only data about the model, but not about the options, and is intended to implement DEXi models in dynamic HTML documents.

The .dxi files are composed as XML documents, so you may use other XML tools to process them.

In order to conform to the XML standard and fully support UTF-8 strings, the format of .dxi files has changed from DEXi 1.04 to 2.0. DEXi versions prior to 2.0 cannot process the new files and refuse to load them. DEXi 2.0 and above support both formats as follows:

  • Loading: File format is recognized automatically.

  • Saving: By default, files are saved using the new format. For the old format, select “DEXi version 1” in the Save file dialogue.

For versions 2.0 and above, DEXi files are in principle backward compatible for reading, but not for writing. This means that any previous version of DEXi can read a file that was created by a more recent version, however attempting to save this file by the previous version may result in data loss. Regular updating of DEXi to new versions is therefore strongly advised.