Qualitative Multi-Criteria Decision Modeling Software

DEX Software is powered by method DEX and aimed at:

DEX Method

DEX (Decision EXpert) is a is a hierarchical, qualitative, rule-based multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) method. It is particularly suited for sorting/classification decision problems. DEX puts special emphasis on the transparency, comprehensibility, consistency, and completeness of decision models, as well as on methods for the analysis, justification, and explanation of decisions.

The DEX approach relies on using software tools that actively support the decision maker in both the creation and utilization stages of the process. We are the principal developers of DEX, dedicated to creating high-quality, state-of-the-art and free-to-use DEX software.

CAR Model tree structure
A two-level DEX model structure for evaluating cars.
3D chart of the CAR decision table
A 3D graphic of CAR decision rules.

DEXiWin Logo DEXi Suite

DEXi Suite is a common name for the new-generation of DEX software, aimed at gradually replacing DEXi Classic. DEXi software has been redesigned and rebuilt from the scratch in order to:

  • Extend the decision-modeling functionality ...
  • ... while maintaining backward compatibility with DEXi Classic models
  • Use modern software technologies, simplifying the development and extending the life cycle of products
  • Redesign software architecture to make it more adaptive for change
  • Use a common cross-platform DEX-modeling class library
  • Use DEX models in other interactive/programming environments, such as Python and R
  • Provide open-source software


  • Extended decision modeling functionality
  • Backward compatible with DEXi Classic .dxi models
  • Free to use
  • Open-source (eventually)


  • DEXiWin: DEXi Decision Modeling Software (for Windows)
    [NEW: Version 1.2]
  • DEXiLibrary: DEXi Decision Modeling Software Library
  • DEXiEval: Command-line utility for batch DEXi evaluation
  • DEXiPy: A software package for using DEXi models in Python
    [NEW: Available on PyPI]
  • DEXiR: A software package for using DEXi models in R
    [NEW: Available on CRAN]

DEXi Logo DEXi Classic

DEXi Classic is a reliable and trusted de-facto implementation of the DEX method since 2000.

The main software component is DEXi, a desktop program for multi-attribute decision making, which facilitates an interactive creation and editing of DEX models (attributes, their hierarchy and scales, decision tables, and alternatives) and provides methods for the evaluation and analysis of alternatives (what-if analysis, “plus-minus-1” analysis, selective explanation, comparison of alternatives, option generation). DEXi Classic also provides software for the evaluation of alternatives on Web pages and programming environments, such as C# and Java.


  • De-facto implementation of the DEX method
  • Reliable and widely used
  • Free to use


  • DEXi: A program for qualitative multi-attribute decision modelling
  • DEXiEval: A command-line utility for batch DEXi evaluation
  • DEXiTree: A program for pretty drawing of DEXi trees
  • JDEXi: Open-source Java library implementing the evaluation part of DEX
  • DEXi.NET version 2.0: Open-source .NET library implementing the evaluation part of DEX in C#
  • DEXi HTML Evaluator: A software package for running DEXi models in Web browsers

Other DEX Software

  • DEXiWare DEXiWare Software Logo: Software platform for developing Web-based Decision Support Systems using DEX models
  • proDEX: A Python implementation of some DEX features, extended by general hierarchies, numerical inputs and probabilistic utility functions, in Orange (primary developer: Martin Žnidaršič) (2006)
  • DEXi Rule: A web app for reading DEXi models and showing decision tables with elementary and complex rules (primary developer: Adem Kikaj) (2018)

Legacy Software

The following DEX software is not functional nor supported any more:

  • DEX: An early DEX implementation for MS-DOS (before 2000)
  • DEXx: A java implementation of DEX, extended with numerical attributes, full hierarchies, probabilistic and fuzzy values, general aggregation functions and relational models (2015)
  • DEX2Web (formerly on http://dex2web.ijs.si): A web-based DEX modeling tool (2020)

DEX Applications

DEX applications are generally of two types: one-time and recurring.

One-time Applications

Making one-time decisions is a classic MCDM task in which, given a set of decision alternatives, the goal is to choose the best alternative or to rank/sort them according to decision maker’s preferences. Results of one-time applications are rarely published online, but you may find them in various reports and articles (see Documentation for examples).

Recurring Applications

Recurring decisions are essentially one-time decisions that occur periodically in similar circumstances. Often, they lead to development of some software, such as Decision Support Systems (DSS), that take care of evaluating and analysing new and new decision alternatives in recurring situations. Here are some examples of Web pages and DSSs that employ DEX models:

  • ESQI: ECOGEN Soil Quality Index Web page
  • SIGMO: Assessment of GM presence in a food or feed products (primary developer: Biljana Mileva Boshkoska)
  • OVJE: A decision support system for the assessment of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia (primary developer: Nejc Trdin)
  • Soil Navigator: A DSS for assessing and optimizing soil functions
  • PathFinder: A DSS for the assessment and management of sustainability of legume agri-food value chains
  • IPSIM-Chayote: A tool for professionals in agriculture to predict and manage the damage caused by fruit flies on the chayote in Reunion island
  • Balkan Peace Index: Assessing the peace state in the Balkans over the years
  • Internal Migration and Gross Value Added Assessment: Assessing effects of decisions and/or policies on net internal migrations and gross value added per capita in Serbia