DEXiPy: Car Demo

Using the standard Car evaluation model, distributed with DEXi software (

Assuming DEXiPy has been installed in Python.

First some declarations.

import dexipy.utils as utl
from dexipy.dexi import read_dexi, read_dexi_from_string, evaluate
from dexipy.eval import write_alternatives
from dexipy.tests.testdata import CAR_XML

Read and print the Car model. In this case, read it from an XML string, imported from dexipy.tests.testdata. Alternatively, you may read it from a .dxi file: dxi = read_dexi("path-to-file").

dxi = read_dexi_from_string(CAR_XML)
Description: Car demo
index id          structure        scale                     funct
    1 CAR         +- CAR           unacc; acc; good; exc (+) 12 3x4
    2 PRICE       |- PRICE         high; medium; low (+)     9 3x3
    3 BUY.PRICE   | |- BUY.PRICE   high; medium; low (+)
    4 MAINT.PRICE | +- MAINT.PRICE high; medium; low (+)
    5 TECH.CHAR.  +- TECH.CHAR.    bad; acc; good; exc (+)   9 3x3
    6 COMFORT     |- COMFORT       small; medium; high (+)   36 3x4x3
    7 #PERS       | |- #PERS       to_2; 3-4; more (+)
    8 #DOORS      | |- #DOORS      2; 3; 4; more (+)
    9 LUGGAGE     | +- LUGGAGE     small; medium; big (+)
   10 SAFETY      +- SAFETY        small; medium; high (+)

In addition to the model itself, dxi contains alternatives - in this case, data of two cars. This data is not printed, but can be accessed as follows:

[{'name': 'Car1',
  'CAR': 3,
  'PRICE': 2,
  'BUY.PRICE': 1,
  'TECH.CHAR.': 3,
  'COMFORT': 2,
  '#PERS': 2,
  '#DOORS': 2,
  'LUGGAGE': 2,
  'SAFETY': 2},
 {'name': 'Car2',
  'CAR': 2,
  'PRICE': 1,
  'BUY.PRICE': 1,
  'TECH.CHAR.': 2,
  'COMFORT': 2,
  '#PERS': 2,
  '#DOORS': 2,
  'LUGGAGE': 2,
  'SAFETY': 1}]

Checking the correctness of alternatives data:

check = dxi.check_alternatives()
print(utl.check_str(check, warnings = True))

Print alternatives in a tabular form, using internal representation of DEXi values:

alternative Car1 Car2
CAR            3    2
PRICE          2    1
BUY.PRICE      1    1
MAINT.PRICE    2    1
TECH.CHAR.     3    2
COMFORT        2    2
#PERS          2    2
#DOORS         2    2
LUGGAGE        2    2
SAFETY         2    1

Or, alternatively, use textual representation:

alternative   Car1   Car2
CAR            exc   good
PRICE          low medium
BUY.PRICE   medium medium
MAINT.PRICE    low medium
TECH.CHAR.     exc   good
COMFORT       high   high
#PERS         more   more
#DOORS           4      4
LUGGAGE        big    big
SAFETY        high medium

Model components

Now inspect some properties of dxi, which is an object of class DexiModel:

print("name:             ",
print("description:      ", dxi.description)
print("linking:          ", dxi.linking)
print("att_ids:          ", dxi.att_ids)
print("aggregate_ids:    ", dxi.aggregate_ids)
print("basic_ids:        ", dxi.basic_ids)
print("linked_ids:       ", dxi.link_ids)
print("non_root_ids:     ", dxi.non_root_ids)
print("          ",
print("natt:             ", dxi.natt)
print("attributes[1].id: ", dxi.attributes[1].id)
name:              CAR_MODEL
description:       Car demo
linking:           False
aggregate_ids:     ['CAR', 'PRICE', 'TECH.CHAR.', 'COMFORT']
basic_ids:         ['BUY.PRICE', 'MAINT.PRICE', '#PERS', '#DOORS', 'LUGGAGE', 'SAFETY']
linked_ids:        []
non_root_ids:      ['CAR', 'PRICE', 'BUY.PRICE', 'MAINT.PRICE', 'TECH.CHAR.', 'COMFORT', '#PERS', '#DOORS', 'LUGGAGE', 'SAFETY']           CAR_MODEL
natt:              11
attributes[1].id:  CAR

Find a particular attribute:

price = dxi.attrib("PRICE")
att5 = dxi.attrib(5)
print("price attribute: ",
print("att5 attribute:  ",
price attribute:  PRICE
att5 attribute:   TECH.CHAR.

Inspect some properties and methods of price, which is an object of class DexiAttribute:

att = price
print("name:           ", # name as in the original DEXi model
# id is by default equal to, but may have been changed so that all ids in the model are unique
print("id:             ",
print("description:    ", att.description)
print("      ",
print("ninp()          ", att.ninp())
print("inputs[0].id:   ", att.inputs[0].id)
print("dim()           ", att.dim())
print("is_basic()      ", att.is_basic())
print("is_aggregate()  ", att.is_aggregate())
print("is_link()       ", att.is_link())
print("level()         ", att.level())
print("affects(CAR)    ", att.affects(dxi.attrib("CAR")))
print("affects(SAFETY) ", att.affects(dxi.attrib("SAFETY")))
name:            PRICE
id:              PRICE
description:     Price of a car       CAR
ninp()           2
inputs[0].id:    BUY.PRICE
dim()            [3, 3]
is_basic()       False
is_aggregate()   True
is_link()        False
level()          2
affects(CAR)     True
affects(SAFETY)  False

When fully defined, attributes have assigned scales (DexiScale class):

print(price.scale, "\n")
print("scale values:  ",price.scale.values)
print("scale classes: ",price.scale.quality)
<dexipy.dexi.DexiDiscreteScale object at 0x00000243A2561D60>

scale values:   ['high', 'medium', 'low']
scale classes:  [<DexiQuality.BAD: -1>, <DexiQuality.NONE: 0>, <DexiQuality.GOOD: 1>]

Aggregate attributes may have assigned functions (DexiFunction class):

print(price.funct, "\n")
print("funct values:  ",price.funct.values)
<dexipy.dexi.DexiTabularFunction object at 0x00000243A2561970>

funct values:   {(0, 0): 0, (0, 1): 0, (0, 2): 0, (1, 0): 0, (1, 1): 1, (1, 2): 2, (2, 0): 0, (2, 1): 2, (2, 2): 2}

Evaluation of alternatives

Now, let’s define and evaluate our own alternatives (cars).

First, a simple one, using dxi.alternative() and illustrating two points: - combining dictionary and keyword arguments - combining numeric and string input values

alt = dxi.alternative("MySimpleCar",
        values = {"BUY.PRICE": "low", "MAINT.PRICE": 1, "#PERS": 2, "#DOORS": 2},
        LUGGAGE = "medium", SAFETY = 1)
{'CAR': None, 'PRICE': None, 'BUY.PRICE': 'low', 'MAINT.PRICE': 1, 'TECH.CHAR.': None, 'COMFORT': None, '#PERS': 2, '#DOORS': 2, 'LUGGAGE': 'medium', 'SAFETY': 1, 'name': 'MySimpleCar'}

alternative MySimpleCar
CAR                None
PRICE              None
BUY.PRICE           low
MAINT.PRICE           1
TECH.CHAR.         None
COMFORT            None
#PERS                 2
#DOORS                2
LUGGAGE          medium
SAFETY                1

alternative MySimpleCar
CAR                None
PRICE              None
BUY.PRICE           low
MAINT.PRICE      medium
TECH.CHAR.         None
COMFORT            None
#PERS              more
#DOORS                4
LUGGAGE          medium
SAFETY           medium

Evaluate alt and see what comes out:

eval_alt = dxi.evaluate(alt)

alternative MySimpleCar
CAR                   3
PRICE                 2
BUY.PRICE             2
MAINT.PRICE           1
TECH.CHAR.            2
COMFORT               2
#PERS                 2
#DOORS                2
LUGGAGE               1
SAFETY                1

alternative MySimpleCar
CAR                 exc
PRICE               low
BUY.PRICE           low
MAINT.PRICE      medium
TECH.CHAR.         good
COMFORT            high
#PERS              more
#DOORS                4
LUGGAGE          medium
SAFETY           medium

Advanced evaluation methods

Evaluation using sets:

alts1 = dxi.alternative("MyCarSet1", alt = alt, SAFETY = "*") # alt = alt copies values from variable alt defined above
eval_alts1 = dxi.evaluate(alts1)
alternative                   MyCarSet1
CAR                    ('unacc', 'exc')
PRICE                               low
BUY.PRICE                           low
MAINT.PRICE                      medium
TECH.CHAR.       ('bad', 'good', 'exc')
COMFORT                            high
#PERS                              more
#DOORS                                4
LUGGAGE                          medium
SAFETY      ('small', 'medium', 'high')
alts2 = dxi.alternative("MyCarSet2", alt = alt, SAFETY = {1, 2})
eval_alts2 = dxi.evaluate(alts2)
alternative          MyCarSet2
CAR                        exc
PRICE                      low
BUY.PRICE                  low
MAINT.PRICE             medium
TECH.CHAR.     ('good', 'exc')
COMFORT                   high
#PERS                     more
#DOORS                       4
LUGGAGE                 medium
SAFETY      ('medium', 'high')

Evaluation using distributions. First define an alternative:

altd = dxi.alternative("MyCarDistr", alt = alt, values = {"MAINT.PRICE": [0.1, 0.6, 0.3]})
alternative                               MyCarDistr
CAR                                             None
PRICE                                           None
BUY.PRICE                                        low
MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
TECH.CHAR.                                      None
COMFORT                                         None
#PERS                                           more
#DOORS                                             4
LUGGAGE                                       medium
SAFETY                                        medium

Evaluate using method "set" (default: interpreting distributions as sets):

eval_altds = dxi.evaluate(altd, method = "set")
alternative                               MyCarDistr
CAR                                 ('unacc', 'exc')
PRICE                                ('high', 'low')
BUY.PRICE                                        low
MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
TECH.CHAR.                                      good
COMFORT                                         high
#PERS                                           more
#DOORS                                             4
LUGGAGE                                       medium
SAFETY                                        medium

Evaluate using method "prob" (interpreting distributions as probability distributions):

eval_altdp = dxi.evaluate(altd, method = "prob")
print(dxi.alt_text(eval_altdp, decimals = 2))
alternative                               MyCarDistr
CAR                       {'unacc': 0.1, 'exc': 0.9}
PRICE                      {'high': 0.1, 'low': 0.9}
BUY.PRICE                                        low
MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
TECH.CHAR.                                      good
COMFORT                                         high
#PERS                                           more
#DOORS                                             4
LUGGAGE                                       medium
SAFETY                                        medium

Evaluate using method "fuzzy" (interpreting distributions as fuzzy distributions):

eval_altdf = dxi.evaluate(altd, method = "fuzzy")
alternative                               MyCarDistr
CAR                       {'unacc': 0.1, 'exc': 0.6}
PRICE                      {'high': 0.1, 'low': 0.6}
BUY.PRICE                                        low
MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
TECH.CHAR.                                      good
COMFORT                                         high
#PERS                                           more
#DOORS                                             4
LUGGAGE                                       medium
SAFETY                                        medium

Evaluate using method "fuzzynorm" (interpreting distributions as fuzzy distributions, force fuzzy normalization):

eval_altdfn = dxi.evaluate(altd, method = "fuzzynorm")
print(dxi.alt_text(eval_altdfn, decimals = 2, use_dict = False))
alternative            MyCarDistr
CAR         [0.17, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
PRICE            [0.17, 0.0, 1.0]
BUY.PRICE                     low
MAINT.PRICE      [0.17, 1.0, 0.5]
TECH.CHAR.                   good
COMFORT                      high
#PERS                        more
#DOORS                          4
LUGGAGE                    medium
SAFETY                     medium

Pruning evaluation at PRICE:

palt = dxi.alternative("MyPrunedCar", alt = alt, PRICE = "low") # treating PRICE as a basic attribute
eval_palt = dxi.evaluate(palt, prune = ["PRICE"])
alternative MyPrunedCar
CAR                 exc
PRICE               low
BUY.PRICE          None
MAINT.PRICE        None
TECH.CHAR.         good
COMFORT            high
#PERS              more
#DOORS                4
LUGGAGE          medium
SAFETY           medium

Alternatives may be grouped in a list and evaluated at once:

car_alts = [alt, alts1, alts2, altd, palt]
eval_car_alts = dxi.evaluate(car_alts)
alternative MySimpleCar MyCarSet1 MyCarSet2      MyCarDistr MyPrunedCar
CAR                   3    {0, 3}         3          {0, 3}           3
PRICE                 2         2         2          {0, 2}           2
BUY.PRICE             2         2         2               2           2
MAINT.PRICE           1         1         1 [0.1, 0.6, 0.3]           1
TECH.CHAR.            2 {0, 2, 3}    {2, 3}               2           2
COMFORT               2         2         2               2           2
#PERS                 2         2         2               2           2
#DOORS                2         2         2               2           2
LUGGAGE               1         1         1               1           1
SAFETY                1 {0, 1, 2}    {1, 2}               1           1

Transposed and partial printout is also possible:

print(dxi.alt_text(eval_car_alts, aggregate = True, transpose = True))
alternative              CAR           PRICE             TECH.CHAR. COMFORT
MySimpleCar              exc             low                   good    high
MyCarSet1   ('unacc', 'exc')             low ('bad', 'good', 'exc')    high
MyCarSet2                exc             low        ('good', 'exc')    high
MyCarDistr  ('unacc', 'exc') ('high', 'low')                   good    high
MyPrunedCar              exc             low                   good    high

Exporting alternatives’ data

Alternatives, created and/or edited in DexiPy, can be written out so that they can be subsequently imported by DEXi/DEXiWin software.

Here we show writing out data to the console.For writing contents to external files, a filename argument has to be provided, for instance:

write_alternatives(dxi, alternatives, filename = "dir/", delimiter = "\t")

Let’s see a tab-delimited output:

write_alternatives(dxi, delimiter = "\t")
name    Car1    Car2
CAR     4       3
. PRICE 3       2
. . BUY.PRICE   2       2
. . MAINT.PRICE 3       2
. TECH.CHAR.    4       3
. . COMFORT     3       3
. . . #PERS     3       3
. . . #DOORS    3       3
. . . LUGGAGE   3       3
. . SAFETY      3       2

And in a “csv” “invariant” format:

write_alternatives(dxi, delimiter = ",")
. PRICE,3,2
. . BUY.PRICE,2,2
. TECH.CHAR.,4,3
. . COMFORT,3,3
. . . #PERS,3,3
. . . #DOORS,3,3
. . . LUGGAGE,3,3
. . SAFETY,3,2

Analysis of alternatives

Selective Explanation

Prints out particularly bad and particularly good evaluations.

Selective explanation of two dxi Cars:

Alternative Car1

Weak points


Strong points

attribute         Car1
+-CAR              exc
  |-PRICE          low
  | +-MAINT.PRICE  low
  +-TECH.CHAR.     exc
    |-COMFORT     high
    | |-#PERS     more
    | +-LUGGAGE    big
    +-SAFETY      high

Alternative Car2

Weak points


Strong points

attribute       Car2
    |-COMFORT   high
    | |-#PERS   more
    | +-LUGGAGE  big

Selective explanation of some other evaluated alternatives:

dxi.selective_explanation([eval_altds, eval_altdp, eval_altdf])
Alternative MyCarDistr

Weak points

atribute                                        MyCarDistr
+-CAR                                     ('unacc', 'exc')
  |-PRICE                                  ('high', 'low')
  | +-MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}

Strong points

attribute                                       MyCarDistr
+-CAR                                     ('unacc', 'exc')
  |-PRICE                                  ('high', 'low')
  | |-BUY.PRICE                                        low
  | +-MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
    |-COMFORT                                         high
    | |-#PERS                                         more

Alternative MyCarDistr

Weak points

atribute                                          MyCarDistr
+-CAR             {'unacc': 0.10000000000000002, 'exc': 0.9}
  |-PRICE          {'high': 0.10000000000000002, 'low': 0.9}
  | +-MAINT.PRICE   {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}

Strong points

attribute                                         MyCarDistr
+-CAR             {'unacc': 0.10000000000000002, 'exc': 0.9}
  |-PRICE          {'high': 0.10000000000000002, 'low': 0.9}
  | |-BUY.PRICE                                          low
  | +-MAINT.PRICE   {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
    |-COMFORT                                           high
    | |-#PERS                                           more

Alternative MyCarDistr

Weak points

atribute                                        MyCarDistr
+-CAR                           {'unacc': 0.1, 'exc': 0.6}
  |-PRICE                        {'high': 0.1, 'low': 0.6}
  | +-MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}

Strong points

attribute                                       MyCarDistr
+-CAR                           {'unacc': 0.1, 'exc': 0.6}
  |-PRICE                        {'high': 0.1, 'low': 0.6}
  | |-BUY.PRICE                                        low
  | +-MAINT.PRICE {'high': 0.1, 'medium': 0.6, 'low': 0.3}
    |-COMFORT                                         high
    | |-#PERS                                         more

Plus/Minus Analysis

Investigating the effects of changing one attribute value at a time.

Plus/Minus analysis of dxi.alternatives[0]:

alt0 = dxi.alternatives[0]
Attribute         -2    -1    Car1   +1 +2
CAR                           exc
  | |-BUY.PRICE   [     unacc medium    ]
  | +-MAINT.PRICE unacc       low    ]
    | |-#PERS     unacc       more   ]
    | |-#DOORS    unacc       4         ]
    | +-LUGGAGE   unacc       big    ]
    +-SAFETY      unacc       high   ]

Plus/Minus analysis of dxi.alternatives[1], this time observing the effects on "TECH.CHAR." and using different parameters:

alt1 = dxi.alternatives[1]
dxi.plus_minus(alt1, target = dxi.attrib("TECH.CHAR."), structure = False, text = False, minus = 1, plus = 1)
Attribute  -1 Car2 +1
#PERS         2    ]
#DOORS        2
LUGGAGE       2    ]
SAFETY     0  1    3

Compare Alternatives

Compare an alternative with other alternatives.

First compare alt0 (“Car1”) with alt1 (“Car2”):

dxi.compare_alternatives(alt0, alt1)
Attribute         Car1   Car2
+-CAR             exc    > good
  |-PRICE         low    > medium
  | |-BUY.PRICE   medium =
  | +-MAINT.PRICE low    > medium
  +-TECH.CHAR.    exc    > good
    |-COMFORT     high   =
    | |-#PERS     more   =
    | |-#DOORS    4      =
    | +-LUGGAGE   big    =
    +-SAFETY      high   > medium

Slightly modify “Car2” and compare “Car2” with “Car1” and “Car2”:

alt2 = dxi.evaluate(dxi.alternative(name = "Car2*", alt = alt1, values = {"#PERS": "3-4"}))
dxi.compare_alternatives(alt1, [alt0, alt2])
Attribute         Car2   Car1   Car2*
+-CAR             good   < exc  =
  |-PRICE         medium < low  =
  | |-BUY.PRICE   medium =      =
  | +-MAINT.PRICE medium < low  =
  +-TECH.CHAR.    good   < exc  =
    |-COMFORT     high   =      >=
    | |-#PERS     more   =      > 3-4
    | |-#DOORS    4      =      =
    | +-LUGGAGE   big    =      =
    +-SAFETY      medium < high =

Repeat the above comparison, but with deep = False. See the difference?

dxi.compare_alternatives(alt1, [alt0, alt2], deep = False)
Attribute         Car2   Car1   Car2*
+-CAR             good   < exc  =
  |-PRICE         medium < low  =
  | |-BUY.PRICE   medium =      =
  | +-MAINT.PRICE medium < low  =
  +-TECH.CHAR.    good   < exc  =
    |-COMFORT     high   =      =
    | |-#PERS     more   =      > 3-4
    | |-#DOORS    4      =      =
    | +-LUGGAGE   big    =      =
    +-SAFETY      medium < high =

Demonstrating some other arguments:

dxi.compare_alternatives(alt1, [alt0, alt2], root = dxi.attrib("COMFORT"), structure = False, text = False)
Attribute Car2 Car1 Car2*
COMFORT   2    =    >=
#PERS     2    =    > 1
#DOORS    2    =    =
LUGGAGE   2    =    =
dxi.compare_alternatives(alt1, [alt0, alt2], prune = ["COMFORT"], compare = False)
Attribute         Car2   Car1 Car2*
+-CAR             good   exc
  |-PRICE         medium low
  | |-BUY.PRICE   medium
  | +-MAINT.PRICE medium low
  +-TECH.CHAR.    good   exc
    |-COMFORT     high
    +-SAFETY      medium high


Draw alternatives with respect to one attribute

Draw overall evaluation results of cars. Notice that some values are value distributions.

from dexipy.charts import plotalt1
eval_cars2 = eval_car_alts
eval_cars2.extend([eval_altds, eval_altdp, eval_altdf])
plotalt1(dxi, None, eval_cars2)

Similar display for the attribute “MAINT.PRICE”:

plotalt1(dxi, "MAINT.PRICE", eval_cars2)

Now taking a model that has continuous attributes:

from dexipy.tests.testdata import CONTINUOUS_NEW_XML
cnt = read_dexi_from_string(CONTINUOUS_NEW_XML)

The cnt.first() attribute “OneLevel” (above) is discrete. But “N1” is continuous:

plotalt1(cnt, "N1")

Draw a scatterplot, considering two attributes

from dexipy.charts import plotalt2
plotalt2(dxi, "TECH.CHAR.", "PRICE")
plotalt2(dxi, "BUY.PRICE", "MAINT.PRICE")

Plot alternatives evaluated as sets or distributions:

plotalt2(dxi, "TECH.CHAR.", "PRICE", [eval_alts1, eval_alts2, eval_altdp])

Draw alternatives using parallel axes

from dexipy.charts import plotalt_parallel
plotalt_parallel(dxi, shift = 0.02, aggregate = "mean")
plotalt_parallel(dxi, alternatives = [eval_alts1, eval_alts2, eval_altdp], aggregate = "minmax", shift = 0.01)
plotalt_parallel(dxi, alternatives = [eval_alts1, eval_alts2, eval_altdp], aggregate = "mean", shift = 0.01)
plotalt_parallel(dxi, dxi.basic, alternatives = [eval_alts1, eval_alts2, eval_altdp], shift = 0.01)

Draw alternatives using a radar chart

from dexipy.charts import plotalt_radar
plotalt_radar(dxi, shift = 0.02, fill = 0.1)
plotalt_radar(dxi, ["CAR", "TECH.CHAR.", "PRICE"], figsize = (3, 3))
plotalt_radar(dxi, None, [eval_alts1], fill = 0.1)
plotalt_radar(dxi, None, [eval_alts1, eval_altdp], aggregate = "mean", inner = 0)
plotalt_radar(dxi, list(reversed(dxi.basic_ids)), [eval_alts1, eval_altdp], aggregate = "mean",
              inner = 0, figsize = (6,3), legend_pos = (1.3, 0.5), legend_loc = "center left")
plotalt_radar(dxi, dxi.aggregate, [eval_alts1, eval_altdp], aggregate = "mean", inner = 0, figsize = (3, 3))
[ ]: